Tightening Up to Prevent Incontinence

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Yes, tightening your vaginal muscles does does prevent incontinence, and you’ll never leak urine when you laugh or cough. But few women know about the incredible sexual advantages of strengthening the vaginal muscles.

When done, sex becomes EXPONENTIALLY better. Your entire body will be shaking with erotic delight. Let me tell you how you can do it.

Tighten and Strengthen Your Vagina

Like any muscle in the body, when you strengthen your vaginal muscles they will contract more powerfully. And what does this mean? It means that when you have an orgasm, they will be twice as powerful as before. Not only will they be more powerful, but you will have MORE ORGASMS more often, and you will have more control over when you have them.

You see, when you tighten and strengthen your vagina you will develop very high levels of control over your vaginal muscles. You will be able to have more control over when you have an orgasm by clenching your muscles at specific times in the sexual cycle. If you want more orgasms more often, then getting stronger vaginal muscles is a sure-fire way to do it.

Drive Your Guy NUTS

But wait, when you strengthen your muscles, you not only experience incredible orgasms, but with these muscles you can tease and torture your man night after night. You can literally “milk” him with your lady muscles. Not just that, but there are dozens and dozens of ways that you can use these muscles to manipulate your man’s member. There’s not better way to make your sex mind-blowing night after night.

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